Name: Julie Golob
Other Names: Julie G, Julie Goloski, Julie Goloski-Golob
Born: New York
Resides: Kansas City

IPSC World Champion, author, and veteran Julie Golob is one of the most accomplished professional shooters in the world with more than 170 championship titles and top scores in international, national and regional marksmanship competitions in 7 different shooting disciplines. A veteran of the elite U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit, her titles include top honors in Bianchi Cup, Steel Challenge, USPSA, IDPA, and IPSC competitions as well as being named US Army Female Athlete of the Year. Recipient of SHOT Business Person of the Year, Julie is also a respected brand ambassador and published author. She actively shares her passion for firearm safety, shooting sports, conservation and hunting as an instructor, consultant, speaker, and content creator. Her book, SHOOT: Your Guide to Shooting and Competition, is a comprehensive primer on shooting sports and Toys, Tools, Guns & Rules: A Children’s Book About Gun Safety is a useful tool for families and educators in teaching real firearm safety. Julie is currently a member of the board of Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation and serves on the advisory board for the Cody Firearms Museum. Learn more about Julie on social media @juliegolob, through her substack newsletter Living Life Fully Loaded and website at
Julie has been featured in/on: 3-Gun Nation, AdWeek, American Handgunner, American Rifleman, American Trigger Sports Network, Benelli On Assignment, Blue Press,, CNBC’s Mike Hegedus – Mike on America, Crimson Trace – The Art of Survival DVD, The Daily Caller, DownRange.TV, Front Sight (USPSA), Girls Guide to Guns, The Glock In Competition (2nd Edition), Gun (Japan), Gun Digest, Guns & Gear TV, Gun Games, Guns Magazine, Gun Talk TV, History Channel, MTV, NRA News, NRAWomen.TV, Outdoor Life,, Sarah Palin’s Amazing America, Athlon Outdoors, Recoil Magazine,, Shooting Gallery, Shooting Illustrated, Shooting Sports USA, Shooting USA, Soldiers Magazine, Sports Illustrated, Tactical Journal (IDPA), History’s Top Shot, H2’s Top Guns, Washington Times, Women & Guns, Women’s Outdoor News, and more.