4 Photos that Sum Up Hunting for Me
The choice to hunt is a personal one. For me it’s about…

Hunters are the largest contributors to conservation. Not only do they pay for licenses and tags to hunt game, hunters also donate their time and money to organizations that are dedicated to preserving wildlife. I am proud that my dollars and personal efforts have helped make an impact on controlling populations for successful wildlife management and helping to ensure habitat for both hunted and non-hunted animals.

I am grateful for the animal, whether it be a doe or buck, waterfowl or upland bird. I am so thankful to have the freedom and wherewithal to provide for my family the way we have for generations.

I have so many wonderful memories of hunting with my dad. This is a beautiful field knife he made for me and it makes me feel like he is always with me even though we live many miles away now. I love being able to call him up and tell him about my adventures. I look forward to sharing this great American heritage with my girls too.

Hunting provides a connection with food that goes beyond a trip to the grocery store. Lean, organic venison is healthy and taking ownership in the process is so personally rewarding. From the prized tenderloin to be seared with a little salt and pepper to the sinewy meat from the neck and lower legs ground and mixed into savory sausage, I love being able to transform the harvest into delicious dishes — from #fieldtofork!