I am many things, a multi-time world and national shooting champion, an experienced shooting instructor, woman of the outdoors, proud US Army veteran, published author, and two of my most treasured titles, wife and mom. I believe a huge part of my success comes from a desire to have balance in my life. Family is always first and my personal motto in life is work hard, share knowledge and showcase a winning spirit through a blend of kindness, ferocity and humility.
My website is a conglomeration detailing my experiences traveling the world as a pro shooter and what I use to compete on the range and fill the freezer. From shooting tips, firearm safety, gun rights and the latest in guns and gear to lifestyle posts with food, fashion and fitness, JulieGolob.com is more than a typical athlete site. I hope you find it both educational and entertaining and let me be your guide to excellence in shooting proficiency and performance!
And now, because it’s a bit hard for me to humble brag, I had some help putting together more details about me.
Julie Golob is living her dream, one that started when she was small. A self-proclaimed daddy’s girl, Julie spent her weekends on the range and afternoons in the field hunting with her father in upstate New York. From patching targets and picking up brass to eventually working as a certified range safety officer in action shooting sports, the father/daughter shooting hobby evolved when Julie decided to take her first shots as a competitor. Shooting in her first “match” at the age of fourteen she was completely hooked and it wasn’t long before this junior shooter started to turn heads.
Within just three years of her first competition, in 1994 Julie earned a slot to the United States Practical Shooting Association’s (USPSA) National Championships. Her confident gun handling skills and accuracy caught the attention of the US Army Marksmanship Unit’s (AMU) Action Pistol Coach. Impressed with Julie’s shooting, she was awarded a coveted a letter of acceptance to the Army’s Action Shooting Team. Julie completed basic training and Military Police school in Fort McClellan, AL in the fall of 1995 and reported for duty to compete and win for the Home of Champions at Fort Benning, GA.
It wasn’t long before the new soldier became an unbeatable force in practical shooting. In 1999 she claimed ladies titles at the USPSA Limited (iron sighted pistol) and Open (race gun with compensator and optics) National Championships as well as earning the Ladies World Speed Shooting Champion title. Winning all three titles in the same year was unprecedented for a female shooter. As a result, Julie was named U.S. Army Female Athlete of the Year, a prestigious honor never before bestowed on an action shooter. Read more about Julie’s military career.
Flying Smith & Wesson’s trademark blue, Julie became the first and only 5 Division USPSA Ladies National Champion, winning the Ladies National Title at the USPSA Limited-10, Single-Stack and Production Nationals. Accumulating all these titles in the same year, she became the first woman ever to earn a USPSA Nationals Triple Crown. In 2011 Julie won the Ladies Revolver National Title, becoming the first shooter in history (male or female) to win a national title in all six USPSA divisions.
In 2016 USPSA adopted the Carry Optics Division – one that utilizes striker fired or double action first shot guns and red dot optics. Julie used the new Smith & Wesson Performance Center C.O.R.E. and Trijicon RMR to claim her 14th USPSA Ladies National Title in Carry Optics, becoming the first to win a national title in all seven practical shooting divisions at the time. She is currently the only woman with national titles in all USPSA handgun divisions.
Beyond Practical Shooting sports, Julie earns wins in NRA Action Pistol, hoisting the coveted Ladies Bianchi Cup three times. Building her established resume in International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) events, she has won a total of 7 national titles in defensive pistol. 7 World title wins in Steel Challenge, 3 World Shoot Off and 2 International Revolver Championships wins are also on the lengthy list. With over 50 world and national titles in 7 different shooting disciplines, Julie has proven her talent across a variety of sports and firearm platforms. Visit Julie’s Trophy Case.
Julie’s is an experienced instructor, certified by the Army Instructor Training School, a trainer for the ladies action shooting camps/classes and shooting instructor for the National Shooting Sports Foundations First Shots, NSSF Shooting Sports Fantasy Camp and head trainer for NRA Women’s Love at First Shot. This coupled with her extensive knowledge of the shooting sports both as a range officer and competitor led her to write her first book, SHOOT: Your Guide to Shooting and Competition.
The proud Second Amendment advocate is dedicated to spreading the word about the importance of firearm safety, responsible gun ownership and the personal protection. From sharing her experiences through her own #takeaMOMent social media campaign or serving as the official spokesperson for the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s Project Childsafe, Julie is a positive and articulate representative for the shooting industry.
Julie’s joy for shooting shines. Her speaking and shooting skills combined with her experience make her a top choice for brands who are looking to showcase their products to a variety of demographics. Julie was featured on History Channel’s Top Shot and Top Guns as the only female expert. A guest host of the hit show Impossible Shots, Julie is also regular contributor to Jim Scoutten’s Shooting USA providing expert commentary and numerous Pro Tips for Outdoor Channel viewers. In Range365.com’s Shoot Sweet with Julie Golob, Julie breaks down entry-level shooting skills for those new to shooting. Read more on Julie’s Press Page.
Julie’s bond with her father went beyond the range and into the outdoors where she learned basic survival and hunting skills as well as the importance of conservation. Julie served on the Secretary of Interior’s Hunting and Shooting Sports Conservation Council in Washington DC and is currently a board member of the Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation.
Traveling the world and competing on 6 continents as a pro shooter Julie is inspired by ethnic cuisine. A self-proclaimed foodie, Julie and her family have a small farm with chickens and during the off-season, Julie is often found in the woods and field hunting for food to fill the freezer. Julie’s #FieldtoFork recipes feature the venison and wild game she has harvested and published on OutdoorChannel.com, Trijicon’s Meat Week Recipe ebook, and on her blog and social media.
Family is Julie’s priority. It’s so important that she does not publish recent or recognizable photos of her husband and children online due to the number of extreme personal attacks, hate speech comments and threats from anti-hunting groups and gun control advocates. Champion, author, veteran, hunter, media personality and mom, Julie constantly strives to serve as a positive role model. She shows time and again her dedication to her role as an ambassador to the shooting sports and firearm safety, the Second Amendment, the great American heritage of hunting and shooting, conservation, family and freedom.

Outdoor Channel
Impossible Shots
Love at First Shot
with JulieG
JulieG Radio
Gun Girl Radio