Cover Girls – Team Smith & Wesson vs. Glock in Western Shooting Sports Journal

It’s the battle of the black vs. blue! Michelle Viscusi and I are “facing off” this month on the cover of Western Shooting Journal. It’s a classic youth and beauty vs. age and endurance comparison piece by Frank Jardim. “The Fit, Young and Glamorous Face Off” gives a short of background on the three pro shooters of Team Smith & Wesson and Glock.
My teammates Jerry Miculek, Doug Koenig and I are portrayed as the old-timers though I admit I prefer ‘seasoned’ and ‘decorated’ champions. We may not be the young and edgy, inked model types like the guy and girls in black, but if you think that being married with kids is boring and dulls your speed-shooting reflexes, you should see how fast my baby girl can crawl and get into stuff. You could step out on the range with Doug and his son Trevor (a junior champion) when they make that Steel Challenge steel sing. Then there’s Jerry. Not only does he have an incredible national and world shooting champ as a wife and training partner (Kay ROCKS), but his daughter Lena happens to be a 3-Gun phenom who I imagine could help push Jerry to that 46th World Title. Maybe…
Whoops… sorry there! I shut my eyes for just a second and might have dozed off. Must be getting old. [wink]
Grab a copy of the Western Shooting Journal to read the full article on newsstands now. Regardless of what team or shooter you root for, the real beauty in the shooting sports is that the old and young, experienced and newbies, women and men are all welcome. There’s room for everyone to have a safe, fun time on the range!