WATCH: On NOIR & Influence
This week’s episode of NOIR on NRA.TV is all about influence and I am honored to be a part of it. The definition is pretty simple. To influence is to have an effect on something or someone. We are surrounded by things and people who influence us. From how we vote to who inspires us to be better people, how we are influenced helps define who we are and ultimately how we choose to influence others.
Mr. Colion Noir’s influence goes beyond millions of NRA members and social media followers. I both respect and appreciate his ability to reshape the conversation about guns and impact gun rights in a unique and charismatic way. He manages to get people talking about a topic that is normally off-limits for them. That? That’s influence.
Spending time on the range with CN was an influential moment for me. There’s something special that happens when you get to shoot or hunt with someone. The kind of concentration, patience, respect for safety, rules and the challenge of making a shot or multiple shots exposes a layer of a person’s character that is often not seen, especially on a screen. Case in point, on the range Noir is one serious dude.

That was sarcasm, of course. After shooting with Colion, I have a whole new appreciation for someone who is more than a gun rights advocate and firearms enthusiast, he’s someone who truly loves to pull a trigger. On the range he constantly strives to improve, is willing to expose himself to challenges and defeat in order to win in the end. I am so glad I got to experience it. It’s just one more way he influences.