WATCH: One Box of Ammo Maintenance Drill
In case you missed it, Episode 2 of Love at First Shot is up. This one features a story on the incredibly talented Lanny Barnes who also happens to be a Team Trijicon teammate. Not only is Lanny a 3-gun and biathlon champ, she’s also an amazing artist. Check out her work on her artist website and through her t-shirt line at
In this episode, I also put together a simple 50-round drill to help you keep up your concealed carry shooting skills. It’s quick, easy, and a great option when you have limited time and resources. I’m using my personal carry gun, a Smith &Wesson M&P Shield, my go-to practice ammo, Federal Premium American Eagle 147 gr. 9mm, and a Bianchi leather holster and pouch. My run was a bit choppy! In just 50 rounds though, I found plenty of things to work on in future practice sessions. (That’s a good thing!)
I wrote up the drill and you can download it here on my shop. Give it a try and let me know what you think on social media.

In case you missed our Training episode, watch here.