The WON, Gun Mag Warehouse & Safety Solutions Academy Help Spread the Word on Cure JM #aim2curejm
It’s just been one day and I am simply blown away by all the support for Aiming to Cure JM. Already we’ve reached 18% of the $10,000 goal. Huge shout out to Women’s Outdoor News, Gun Mag Warehouse and Paul Carlson at Safety Solutions Academy, among the first to share to help raise awareness for Aiming to Cure JM.
Women’s Outdoor News sharing my story with their readers. As seen at the GunMagWarehouse blog, “Join Julie Golob: Shoot the Aim2CureJM Challenge.“
My friend Paul Carlson not only wrote up a post about #aim2curejm, but he also shot the challenge with 2 different pistols! Check out what he had to say…
Julie and I have some things in common. Some of those things are obvious, some not so much. One of the “not so much” things plays a big role in this post. Julie and I both have 11-year-old daughters. I’ve never met Julie’s family and she has never met mine, but whenever we meet up we share what is going on with our families and especially our kids.
Read the full post Shooting the Aim2CureJM Challenge at Safety Solutions Academy.
All of this is proof that gun owners are an incredible and generous community. I am so grateful to these first donors along with the 7 anonymous donations who have contributed to the charity page.
- PC
- Monica N.
- Frank P.
- ~Dave
- Kay W.
- Mendi R.
- Marti D.
- Neil D.
- Chris C.
- Rick B.
- Paula & Stan N.
- Matt S.
- Dave W.
- Sam & Emily K.
- Lucas C.
- The old man from New Mexico
- Ben P.
- Douglas B.
- Travis T.
- Ann S.
- James C.
- Jim F.
- FirearmsX
- Doug & Sue R.
- Chris & Trenton M.
- Matthew K.
- William T.
If you want to learn more about this effort please visit my page for Aim To Cure JM. You can watch a video about our story and discover ways that can help.