Rare Disease Day & Lady Shooting Stars Help #aim2curejm
It’s rare disease day!
Normally Rare Disease Day is on the 28th but every four years it lands on the 29th. Here’s to all those who are battling rare diseases. I’m wishing you comfort and strength!
With February coming to an end and Women’s History Month about to kick off, I wanted to give a special shout-out to my gun gal pals who are helping to raise awareness as we take on our rare disease, juvenile dermatomyositis. I wrote about Women’s Outdoor News run by my good friend Barbara Baird and their support for Aiming to Cure JM here on the blog. To add, if you aren’t already following these incredible lady shooters and influencers, please check them out!
Gabby Franco of Olympic and Top Shot fame shared this wonderful live video with her followers. I not only respect this lady’s mad skills on the range but as a fellow mama too! Follow her at gabbyfranco.com, @gabbyfrancots4 on Instagram and @gabbyfrancotopshot on Facebook.
The accomplished competitive shooter, gun writer, friend and mother, Becky Yackley of beckyyackley.com shared this post that brought me to tears at @beckyyackley on Instagram and Facebook. She also made a video shooting from 21 yards in 20 degrees! Becky constantly proves she’s not only a champion on the range but also for kids and great causes.
Eva Shockey, entrepreneur, author (read my review of her book here), hunter and mama extraordinaire took the time to share Aiming 2 Cure JM with her hundreds of thousands of followers in her Instagram stories. Follow @evashockey on Facebook, Instagram and her blog at evashockey.com.

Emily, the lovely fashion phenom who shoots and believes in self-defense, wrote up the sweetest post. She shared the #aim2curejm target with the perfect shade of lipstick (of course) at @stylemetactical on Instagram and Facebook. Sign up for her newsletter and follow her blog at stylemetactical.com.
Sweet Cheyenne of cheyennedalton.com is such a darling. She’s even competed with my Munchkin at the Rimfire World Championships. It’s so awesome for my daughters to have young women that shoot to look up to. Follow her at @cheyennedaltonshoots on Instagram and she’s on Facebook too.
My friend Tes has been in the firearms industry for a long time. Lately she’s been tearing things up on the range and bringing home titles in the Tactical Games. Follow her shootng and fitness journey at Tes Salb Shooting on Facebook and @shoot_4_gold on Instagram.
Beth Alcazar is the dynamo behind Pacifiers and Peacemakers at the USCCA. Articulate, talented and passionate, she’s helped change what women think about personal defense and concealed carry. Follow her @pacifiersandpeacemakers on Facebook and @Beth619 on Instagram.
The managing editor at Women’s Outdoor News, Michelle Cerino is another talented female gun writer in the firearms industry. Be prepared for some sass and a lot of fun as you follow her hunting and shooting adventures at princessgunslinger.com and @princessgunslinger on Instagram and on Facebook.
Tisma Juett is one of my dearest friends. She’s not only been there for us as a family, she truly goes above and beyond as you can see from the post below. Follow her on Facebook if you want to smile.
My longtime friend and national champion, Kippi Leatham, is one of the masterminds behind Her Handgun. She and her compatriot Debbie Keehart run classes, matches and practice sessions for women in a low-key, safe and supportive environment in Phoenix, AZ. Visit HerHandgun.com for more info and follow on Facebook for updates.
Once upon a time, there weren’t very many women in the shooting and hunting industries. Not only are these women making their mark, but they are also doing so with kindness and class. I am so grateful to them!
To learn more about our rare disease story visit juliegolob.com/curejm.